from commercial to inspirational: how to make valentines day count

From Commercial To Inspirational: How To Make Valentine’s Day Count

Awareness of its commercial focus doesn’t prevent us from enjoying Valentine’s Day. Indulging each other with Valentine’s gifts is a gorgeous thing to do. However, our unity over globally-felt loneliness means that many need some inspirational support. Luckily, Valentine’s Day is around the corner, bringing with it an opportunity to really help. Read on to discover ways you can make this Valentine’s Day count.


from commercial to inspirational: how to make valentines day count
Credit: Pixabay

Gift someone lonely your time. Whilst visiting may be impossible for most, we are only a phone call away. The difference this can make is monumental – it can literally save a person’s life. On Valentine’s Day, talk, listen and laugh. Find out if there is a problem whereby you might be able to help.

2. Valentine’s Chores

from commercial to inspirational: how to make valentines day count
Credit: Pixabay

After all, a little extra shopping for a neighbour, friend or relative is no biggie. Perhaps post a card or a paper to brighten their day. Do something you know will change a person’s day for the better.

3. Valentine’s Day Kindness

from commercial to inspirational: how to make valentines day count
Credit: Pixabay

Never underestimate the power of a smile. This may sound cheesy, but some people see no one except, perhaps a stranger such as you as they walk down the road. When you pass by, say hello and smile. It’s all about the little things.

4.Deciding not to be a Social Media Meanie/Think Twice

day of love and kindness
Credit: Pixabay

Hopefully, most people will read this and think ‘well that’s obvious’. However, many do not. It is very easy to light a fire of hate on social media and watch your malevolence spread faster than the new variant. Lies are suddenly fact. Some don’t realise the impact this has on the person in the firing line. They don’t think they are to blame for suicide or for their family’s distress. Don’t be unkind. Think twice before you hit tag, abuse and post. Things are not always the way they seem and it’s far too easy to destroy a life. Let’s all try to be a little kinder on Valentine’s Day and beyond.

For more reading inspo try, “The WeirdestThings People Have Woken Up With.”

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